



Growing up on a farm along the coast, change is a very natural part of life for 亚当•霍斯金表示:. 今天, he brings that to our clients through the lens of resilience, 帮助他们预测事件和趋势, and turn them into opportunity – as leader of 正规博彩十大网站排名’ Global Water Resources 解决方案 team.

A Chartered Scientist and Fellow of the Institute of Water and 环境al management, Adam于1994年加入Halcrow(现为正规博彩十大网站排名), 作为海事小组的海岸地貌学家, working on a range of coast and flood risk management projects throughout the U.K. 与国际.

2006年,他移居美国.S. to lead our input to the State of Louisiana’s post-Katrina coastal master planning effort. Following publication of the Plan in 2007, he remained in the U.S. leading development of the coastal and climate change adaptation markets, including a role as Project Director for the New York City wastewater infrastructure resilience project that was underway when 2012’s Hurricane Sandy hit; leading to the rapid scaling of that effort to develop facility level resilience plans for all City infrastructure.

“积极主动是恢复力的关键. 了解可能影响业务或社区的危害和依赖的范围所花费的时间, will always be beneficial with whatever challenges arise next.”



Global Director, Water Resources and Resilience 解决方案, 正规博彩十大网站排名

By embracing change and understanding that uncertainty is a natural part of resilience, 前瞻性的准备确实有助于了解潜在的脆弱性,并实施能够将变化的影响降到最低的缓解措施, 不管是突然的还是长期的, 并找到改进的机会.

Adam champions a proportionate approach to resilience planning and change management. 我们不需要通过大量的研究来精确地定义风险及其概率, as the one thing we know for certain about the future is that it’s uncertain. So Adam suggests starting simple—discuss and workshop around potential hazards and dependencies that could impact a business or location; work out what could be most disruptive. 然后, 从进一步研究这些问题开始,更好地了解如何降低风险. Often a simple change can mitigate a potential vulnerability, but it doesn’t happen if we don’t take the time to consider the range of possible risks.

以他在海岸的背景, 由于海平面上升和风暴的影响,沿海地区面临着全球范围内的极端挑战, 这是亚当多年来一直关注的领域. 支持过世界各地的项目和计划, including the award-winning Shoreline Management Plan for Belize’s Corozal District, he brings a broad experience to drive long-term adaptive thinking to coastal challenges. There is no one ‘right’ answer to the challenge of sea level rise; and delivering long-term economic prosperity and safe communities requires a range of solutions, 从主要的保护系统, 自然和基于自然的解决方案, 为水腾出空间的适应性土地利用.

Adam enjoys working with our global Water Resources teams and says he learns from them every day. 凭借他们带来的广泛的技术专长和我们工作的建筑和自然环境的范围, 水资源的范围是广泛的, 雅各布斯的解决方案 & 技术结构提供了一个框架,在这个框架内,我们可以与任何地方的客户分享我们的全球最佳实践. 从生态系统恢复到一水规划, 海岸保护和灌溉服务, 所有方面都涉及管理自然和人类环境的变化,并确定长期恢复力的行动.

Adam is currently supporting the company’s Resilience initiative, 将水资源团队多年的弹性经验与雅各布斯其他部门的同事的经验相结合. With expertise across all forms of natural and man-made hazards, including the pandemic risks currently affecting the world, 与跨市场的深厚领域知识相结合, and years of experience in disaster response and recovery, 将所有这些结合在一起,真正帮助我们的客户了解和管理他们的弹性挑战,以确保他们的长期安全和繁荣,这是令人兴奋的.

除了雅各布斯,他还担任 CIWEM气候变化小组 指导小组,支持跨部门合作应对气候变化的未来影响.

Getting to Higher Ground: Climate Migration and Resilience in Cities
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    his 玩ing position in rugby union was blindside flanker, wearing no. 6

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    weeks taken by Adam and his wife for their extended honeymoon

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